LCAP Stakeholder Engagement Session

LCAP Stakeholder Engagement Session
9/25/2017, 6:00 PM 7:30 PM
Lawndale High School Cafeteria 14901 S. Inglewood Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260

Goal #1 of the CVUHSD LCAP: Close achievement gaps between all students and the District's five lowest performing subgroups by increasing the percentage of English Learners, Black/African-American, Students with Disabilities, Foster Youth, and Economically Disadvantaged students who graduate and who are ready for college, career, and life.

1º Meta - Cerrar las brechas del rendimiento entro todos los estudiantes y los cinco subgrupos de desempeño mas bajos del Distrito al aumentar el porcentaje de EL, Negro/Afroamericano, Educacion Especial, Jovenes de Crianza, Estudiantes de bajos ingresos que se graduan y que estan listos para la universidad, una carrera, y la vida.

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